Custom Editions

We can customize a textbook to match your student learning outcomes, including a new cover design with your course and college name. This custom text can include college specific information and the following topics. Additional topics can be created.

Student Learning Outcomes
Here are student learning outcomes for existing textbooks:
College and Career Success Full Version
College and Career Success Concise Version
Career Success
Native American College and Career Success
Hawai'i and Pacific Island College and Career Success

Available Topics for Customization:
Value of a college education, mindset, grit, positive thinking, finding interest, concentration, intrinsic vs. extrinsic motivation, locus of control, extra curricular activities, achievement motivation, using rewards, learning successful habits 

Career Assessments
Personality, interests, multiple intelligences, emotional intelligence, skills, values    

Career Development
Match your personal strengths to a college major and career, career decision making, planning your education,  career outlook, find your passion, emotional intelligence, career trends, soft skills, career research, resume, cover letter, personal brand, interviewing, success in the workplace, emotional intelligence and career success, career satisfaction

Time Management
Lifetime goals, priorities, technology, schedules, chronotype, time management techniques, dealing with time bandits, dealing with procrastination

Money Management
Financial goals, financial literacy and life satisfaction, education and money, financial aid, scholarships, budgeting, using credit wisely, investment basics, banking, insurance, taxes

Learning (Research Based)
Long term vs. short term memory, minimizing forgetting, positive thinking and memory, developing an interest, seeing the big picture, meaningful organization, grouping, visualization, intent to remember, elaboration, distributing the practice, creating a basic background, emotions and learning, mnemonics, acronyms, memory tricks, remembering names, sleep and memory, health and memory

Study Skills (Research Based)
Note that learning styles theories have been updated to using all the senses to learn, multisensory integration. Topics include:         
Learning assessment, multi-sensory integration; learning strategies for visual, auditory, kinesthetic, olfactory, and gustatory sensory inputs; SQ4R (survey, question, read, recite, review, reflect); how to study math; improving concentration; managing distractions; marking your textbook; online learning; taking notes, listening to a college lecture, note taking systems; POWER writing (prepare, organize, write, edit, and revise); writer's block; effective public speaking

Test Taking
Test preparation, effective review, strategies for taking different types of tests, ideas that don't work, test anxiety, math anxiety, test taking practice

Communication and Relationships
Personality type and communication style, communication for success, how to be a good listener, crisis communication, the language of responsibility, barriers to effective communication, dealing with conflict, friendships, roommates, relationships

Critical and Creative Thinking
Fallacies in reasoning, the scientific method, cognitive biases, how to think critically, critical thinking online, recognizing a scam, critical thinking and moral reasoning, creative thinking techniques, acquiring wisdom and knowledge

Diversity and Current Social Issues
Degrees of privilege; social inequality, income, and wealth; bias, stereotypes, and prejudice; vocabulary for understanding diversity; social issues for critical thinking (equality for women, Black Lives Matter, Native Americans and Christopher Columbus, the Southwest border and immigration, LGBTQ+, importance of appreciating diversity

Concepts from positive psychology are integrated throughout the textbook.  Here are some topics from the chapter, Thinking Postively abot the Future."
Thinking positively about your career; optimism, hope, and future-mindedness; believing in yourself; the self-fulfilling prophecy; positive self-talk and affirmations, visualizing your success, successful beliefs

Taking pride in yourself and in your culture is an important component of college and career success. Current materials exist for Native American, Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander students. Additional cultures/groups can be added. 

For additional details, contact Marsha Fralick at