Student Resources

Journal Entries

The Journal Entries provide a way for students to make personal connections to the material and to apply the concepts learned in the text.  Journal entries in Word format are provided for student convenience.   

Sample Online Chapters

These chapters are provided online to help students who are having financial difficulties start on time.

New Editions

College and Career Success, 10th Editions (full and concise)
Chapter 1

Career Success, 4th Edition
Chapter 1

Native American College and Career Success, 4th Editiohn
Chapter 1

Hawai'i and Pacific Islands College and Career Success, 3rd Edition
Chapter 1

Current Editions

College and Career Success, 9th Editions (full and concise) 
Chapter 1

Career Success, 3rd Edition
Chapter 1

Native American College and Career Success
Chapter 1

Hawai'i and Pacific Islands College and Career Success, 2nd Ed.
Chapter 1


Best Ideas for Improving Study Skills
Here are some of my best ideas for improving your study skills:

 Manage Your Time
 Improve Your Memory
 Read to Remember
 Improve Your Writing
 Prepare for Tests

Internet Links
If you want any additional information on college success, take a look at these useful online resources.  There are links for each chapter in the text. 

Career Research
Use these links to do career research for your class projects.

Student Comments about College and Career Success Online

Contact the Author if you have suggestions for improving any of these materials.