Links: Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle


Set goals for healthy eating at the USDA website, MyPlate.

Learn how to interpret nutrition labels and find out the nutritional value and calories in foods at the Self Nutrition Data site:

Find the nutritional value of foods at this nutrition calculator:

Live to Be 100

Live to be 100 and healthy.  Take this free assessment to determine how long you will live.  Then read suggestions on how to live a healthier and longer life.  This site is highly recommended.

Try this longevity calculator.  It has a sliding bar used to describe your health habits and you can see the effect of improvement by sliding the bar.

Health Questions

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention provide the latest research on a variety of health topics.  Health topics A-Z are listed.

Visit the Web MD for answers to your health questions.  Wellness topics are included:

The Wellness Web contains a very complete alphabetical listing of health topics. Learn about nutrition, weight loss, women’s health issues, stress management, how to quit smoking or find information on an illness or health topic. It has a fun and relaxing section titled, "Be happy, Be Well" with games, puzzles, movies, travel, poetry, music and other diversions:  


Al-Anon and Alateen Family Groups provides resources for friends and family of those who have a drinking problem:

The Alcohol Addiction Center has Resources for Alcoholics and Problem Drinkers. The site includes tips for getting help, free resources, information, statistics, and links:

The Problem with College Drinking is a good article summarizing the extent and effects of college drinking:

Visit the Century Council for information and resources for dealing with drunk driving and underage drinking:

The Rethinking Drinking Site is a new government site that provides valuable research based information on drinking and how it affects your health.  Find answers to these questions:  What counts as a drink?   Is your drinking pattern risky?  What's the harm?  Thinking about change?  The site provides strategies for cutting down or quitting drinking.  There are online questionnaires to check your drinking pattern and assess signs of problems.  The site provides tools for making a change.   

This site contains information for adults, teens and others dealing with alcoholism in their families or communities.  There are referrals to local groups.  There is no cost involved.

The National Council on Alcoholism and Drug Dependence provides education, information, hope and help to the public.  It advocates prevention, education and treatment.



This site has information about illegal drugs and how they affect the heart and other side effects. Find information on opium, heroin, cocaine, methamphetamine, rohypnol, LSD, and ectacy

This site is dedicated to living without drugs.  It offers information and assistance with drug addiction.

This site indexes treatment centers for drug and alcohol addiction.


This site has many useful resources to quit smoking.

This site has practical advice on how to quit smoking from one who has gone through the process.  It contains additional links for resources to quit smoking.  I highly recommend this site.

Addictive Behavior

The Addiction Guide has resources to help with drug and alcohol addiction. It includes information, help lines, addiction foundations, blogs, publications, forums, mobile apps, and recovery resources for alcohol and specific drugs.

The Addiction Resource web site has a link to a helpline sponsored by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services plus information on drugs, addiction, treatment (and how your insurance might pay for it), drug abuse, and addiction facts.

Project Know has information about drug and alcohol addiction and treatment centers in your area:

The Addiction Center provides information about addictions, treatment centers and a plan for recovery.  It is helpful for those with addictions or for those helping others with addictions.

The Recovery Connection is a website that offers information, live chat and referrals for psychiatric and mental health problems and addiction.  At this site you can find information about anxiety, bipolar disorder, borderline personality disorder, codependency, depression, obsessive compulsive disorder and post traumatic stress as well as other mental health and addiction problems:


Stress and Sleep, How to Master Stress and Enjoy Restful Sleep:

The Center for Disease Control and Prevention has information about sleep and sleep disorders: 

The National Sleep Foundation is a non-profit organization that promotes the public understanding of sleep disorders and provides sleep-related education.


Visit the College Student's Guide to Stress Management by Purdue University at:

Visit the Learn Psychology, "Student Guide to Surviving Stress and Anxiety in College and Beyond" for information about stress and anxiety, a stress test, resources, and techniques for dealing with stress in college as well as on the job:

For a good summary of stress management sources and how to cope, visit this site:  

The American Institute of Stress is dedicated to understanding the role of stress in health and illness.  It has a good summary of the causes of stress and relaxation techniques.

Mental Health

The Mental Health Resources List has extensive resources, information, government sites, and diagnostic resources. It includes help for college students, veterans, minorities, women, seniors, and gay, bisexual, and transgender persons. It has useful information related to anxiety, OCD, PTSD, depression, bipolar, autism, schizophrenia, mental health, sexual assault, eating disorders, suicide prevention, and domestic violence. Find links to hot lines for immediate assistance.

The Online Counseling site has comprehensive mental health resources for children, teens, and college students:

This site, Promoting Student Mental Health, has information and resources for stress, anxiety, depression, drug abuse, alcoholism, ADHD, eating disorders, OCD, and PTSD:


"The Body" is an award winning source of information on AIDS and HIV. It has 30,000 documents on prevention, treatment, quality of life and government issues. It includes how to provide or get help with this disease:

Planned Parenthood

Access Planned Parenthood information on birth control, parenting and pregnancy. Information is available in Spanish also: