Links: Thinking Positively about the Future

Job Satisfaction

What is Job Satisfaction and Why is it Important?
This site presents 10 proven ingredients for job satisfaction.

How to Find Meaning When Your Job Feels Meaningless
This site has ideas for finding meaning in your job or crafting your job to find meaning and satisfaction.

Optimism, Hope, and Future Mindedness

Hope, optimism, future-mindedness | StrengthsMining
Hope and optimism have many positive effects including increased resilience and positive emotion.

Optimism: Definition, Signs, and How to Be Optimistic

This site lists the benefits of optimism and ways to practice it.


8 Visualization Strategies That Make Your Goals a Reality
Create a vision board and write a vision statement.

Successful Beliefs

7 Habits of Highly Effective People: Key Insights - YouTube (11.5 minutes)
This video provides an overview of habits book from the point of view of a young student.


Authentic Happiness | Authentic Happiness

Learn strategies and tools to lead a happy life. There are also free inventories that measure signature strengths, general happiness, satisfaction with life, optimism and many other topics related to happiness.  

How to Be Happy: 27 Habits to Help You Live a Happier Life
This site has 27 ideas to increase happiness.

Finding Happiness in Your Life: Tips That Can Help
Explore ideas for increasing happiness.

The How of Happiness
Many of the ideas from this book by Sonja Lyubimorsky are referenced in this textbook.

Life Purpose

Five Steps to Finding Your Life Purpose | Psychology Today

This site contains ideas for thinking about your life purpose.

How (and Why) to Find Your Life's Purpose (5 minute video)
This video explore finding purpose from a psychological point of view.