Personality Type
You can find additional information about personality types, detailed profiles, and matching careers at these Web sites:
PersonalityPage — Be your best self
Learn more about your personality type at this website. Find additional information about careers, relationships, communication, parenting, and personal growth. They offer a personality assessment for friends and family.
TypeLogic Home Page
This site provides additional descriptions of personality types.
Personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology
This site includes a free Jung Typology Test that consists of 72 easy questions for results that are very similar to the Myers-Briggs personality test. The site also contains information on marriage compatibility, communication, leadership, and dealing with stress. The site has a new AI assistant that answers questions about personality type.
Famous People According To Their Personality Type
How does your personality type match those of famous people? This site has personality types of famous people.
Choosing your Major
List of College Majors
Search for any college major and find career information. The site also matches your major to Holland Codes in Chapter 3.
Highest Paying College Majors
Payscale contains updated statistics on majors and careers. It is updated annually.