Personality Type
You can find additional information about personality types, detailed profiles, and matching careers at these Web sites:
Learn more about your personality type at this great website. If you know your personality type, you can find a description of your type, matching careers, as well as information on relationships, communications, parenting, friendships and personal growth. For a fee of $3 you can do an assessment of your personality type for yourself or friends and family.
The Talent Desk site suggests matching careers for your personality type.
Do you want to read different profiles of your personality type? This site contains many different profiles that describe each type.
Interested in more information about your personality type? This site provides additional descriptions. The introductory section is easy to understand, but the analysis that follows is very technical and difficult to understand.
Do a quick assessment of your personality type by answering a short questionnaire. The brief questionnaire is free. There is a fee for a more in depth analysis:
Take this free Jung Typology Test that consists of 72 easy questions for results that are very similar to the Myers-Briggs personality test. The site also contains information on marriage compatibility and a simple test to help you understand how personality affects marriage.
This newsletter features articles on personality and related topics: movie reviews, love life, finances, education, learning style and employment.
Find additional sources of career assessment including the world's fastest personality assessment at this site. It also has a list of careers matching Holland's interest categories:
This site contains many free online psychological tests useful for self-assessment and exploration. Tests include personality, career, intelligence, relationships, communications, emotional health, self-esteem, anxiety, depression, lifestyle, burnout and others.
How does your personality type match those of famous people? This site has personality types of famous people:
Choosing your Major
What can I do with a major in ___?
Find what careers match your major from the Career Center at the University of North Carolina.
Majors that Pay you Back, Payscale 2021.