
Research by Dr. Fralick

"Career Development in a College Success Course,” Monograph No. 55, University of South Carolina, National Resource Center for The First-Year Experience and Students in Transition, 2011.

"Exploring the Evidence: Initiatives in the First College Year, "Cuyamaca College", published by the National Resource Center for The First -Year Experience and Students in Transition, University of South Carolina, 2008
This article profiles 22 colleges nationwide with significant results in student

Program Review 2005, College Success Program, Cuyamaca Community College
 Summary 2005
 Full Report

 Summary 2000

Summary of Community College Review, "College Success: A Study of  Positive and Negative Attrition."
This study of 1000 students profiles student who are successful and those who are at risk.

Other Significant Research Articles and Resources

Kathleen Goodman and Ernest Pascarella, "First-Year Seminars Increase Persistence and Retention: A Summary of the Evidence from How College Affects Students," Association of American Colleges and Universities, 2006, available at:

Bryan Folsom and Richard Reardon, “College Career Courses Design and Accountability," Journal of Career Assessment, 2003, available at:
Charley Stone, Carl Von Horn, Cliff Zupin, “Chasing the American Dream: Recent Graduates and the Great Recession,” Work Trends, Rutgers University, 
 2012, p. 17, available at:

The Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE), "Reflections on CSSE's first Five Years, 2007 Findings
Five strategies that work: 1.  set high expectations and clear goals, 2. focus on
the front door, 3. elevate developmental education, 4. use engaging 
instructional approaches, 5. make engagement inescapable
 Full Report
 Executive Summary

"America's Perfect Storm: Three Forces Changing Our Nation's Future", Educational Testing Service (ETS), January 2007
The three forces changing our nation's future include a lack of literacy and
numeracy, increasing technological change and globalization, and increasing
population diversity.  
The ETS Website also has full reports and a video on this topic.

Community College Research Center (CCRC) Brief, "Do Student Success Courses Actually Help Community College Students Succeed?", June 2007
Students who take a college success course are 8% more likely to earn their

Achieving the Dream
This national initiative funded by the Lumina Foundation for Education is dedicated to helping more community college students succeed.  It is particularly concerned about student groups that traditionally have faced significant barriers to student success, including students of color and low-income students.  This organization does research and works toward changing public policy.  For information on this organization and research, go to

"California Community College Students Abandon Transfer Plans at a High Rate", Policy analysis for California Education (PACE), 2007
Six in 10 California Community College students give up transfer plans or drop
out after one semester. 

Impact of Personality Type on Undergraduate Students at Oklahoma State University, Doctoral Dissertation by Pam Ehlers, May 2008.
Students with FP personality types are more likely to  drop out of college.   

Research on High Risk Developmental Students

Motivating Students from Tools for Teaching by Barbara Gross Davis (UC Berkeley)
Motivating Students by Karin Kirk with summary of motivation research and pertinent references
Aptitude, Motivation and Self-Regulation as Predictors of Achievement among Developmental CollegeStudents from Research and Teaching in Developmental Education by Ray, Garavalia, and Murdock