The course syllabus is an important first step in planning your course. It is helps students to be successful because they have a clear idea of the requirements and expectations for the course. Components include:
- Course information (section number, time, days, room number)
- Course credit (associate degree, transfer, general education, elective)
- Contact information for instructor (phone, email)
- Course materials (textbook, e-text)
- Assignments
- Grading System
- Academic accommodations for disabled students
- Student learning objectives
- Expectations for classroom behavior
- Course calendar (assignments and due dates)
- How to log in your course management system (such as Blackboard)
- Required computer skills and equipment (for online or blended courses)
- How to be successful in an online course or blended course
- Technical support information
On the first day of class, give your students a copy of the syllabus and give them 5-7 minutes to read it. Then verbally quiz students on the contents. Consider having a quiz on the syllabus. Here is a sample quiz.
Here are some sample files:
College and Career Success Online, Hybrid (Face-to-Face class with Online Textbook)
Sample Syllabus from Paul Delys, fall 2016
College and Career Success Online
Sample Syllabus for Cuyamaca Community College from Marsha Fralick, fall 2016.
Sample Course Schedule for Cuyamaca College from Marsha Fralick, fall 2016.
Career Success, Face to Face
Sample Syllabus and calendar for a 16 week one unit course from Marsha Fralick, fall 2014
My Personality assignment for syllabus
Career Research assignment for syllabus
Career Success, Online
Sample Syllabus and calendar for a one unit online course taught in an 8 week format from Marsha Fralick, fall 2014
My Personality assignment for syllabus
Career Research assignment for syllabus
Sample Syllabus and Course Schedule by Cindy Morrin for a 1 unit online course using CollegeScope, Career Edition
Student Learning Outcomes for Syllabus
Sample Grading Rubric for the Journal Entries